01293 820088
Opening TimesMon-Fri 07:00-17:00 Sat (shop only) 08:00-12:00
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14m x 1.5 16A 110V Yellow Arctic Extension Lead
14m x 2.5 16A 110V Yellow Arctic Extension Lead
13A Rubber Plug 240V
3Kva Portable Transformer - 2 Sockets
25m 240V Extension Reel
BS4343 110V Plug Yellow
14m x 4.0 32A 110V Yellow Arctic Extension Lead
25m 110V Extension Reel
50m 240V Extension Reel
13A Plastic Plug 240V White
50m 110V Extension Reel
BS4343 16A 110V Trailing Socket
13A Fuse
5 Kva Triple Outlet Transformer
Twin Output 230V Generator Fly Lead
10Kva Site Single Phase (Weight 60K)
4 Way Splitter Box With 3m Lead 110V
110V Plug 32 Amp Yellow
Defender 3 Way Spider Pod - 16A Splitter 110V
Defender 4 Way Spider Ball - 16A Splitter
Single Output 230V Generator Fly Lead
BS4343 110V Panel Socket
13A Double Trailing Socket 240V
25mm 3A Fuse (Pack Of 10)
5A Fuse
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