01293 820088
Opening TimesMon-Fri 07:00-17:00 Sat (shop only) 08:00-12:00
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Sabre saw blades are otherwise know as reciprocating saw blades. They are used for cutting wood, metal and other composite materials in applications including door frames, walls and joists, quickly and relatively cleanly.
BOSCH - 150mm - Flexible Reciprocating Saw Wood & Metal Blade 10 Tpi - Pack of 5
BOSCH - 225mm - Flexible Reciprocating Saw Metal Blade 14 Tpi - Pack of 5
BOSCH - 200mm - Progressor Reciprocating Saw Wood & Metal Blade 6-12 Tpi - Pack of 5
BOSCH - 200mm - Progressor Reciprocating Saw Wood Blade 6-10 Tpi - Pack of 5
BOSCH - 150mm - Progressor Reciprocating Saw Metal Blade 8-18 Tpi - Pack of 5
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