01293 820088
Opening TimesMon-Fri 07:00-17:00 Sat (shop only) 08:00-12:00
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With a variety of insulation solutions, our range include expanding foams and fillers, water proof and fire proof spray foams.
One Strike Filler 1 Litre
Gun Grade Expanding Foam 750ml
Polyfilla 10 Min Filler 330g
Broadfix Standard U Shim (101 x 43mm) Assorted Bag of 200
Trade Expanding Fire Rated Gun Foam B1 - 750ml
Trade Expanding Fire Rated Hand Held Foam B1
Broadfix Standard U Shim (101 x 43mm) Yellow - 1mm - Bag of 200
Broadfix Standard U Shim (101 x 43mm) Blue - 3mm - Bag of 200
Broadfix Standard U Shim (101 x 43mm) Brown - 5mm - Bag of 200
Broadfix Standard U Shim (101 x 43mm) Green - 2mm - Bag of 200
Hand Held Expanding Foam 750ml
Plasterboard Adhesive Foam - Gun Grade - 750ml
Dual Purpose Foam Cleaner 500ml
Broadfix Standard U Shim (101 x 43mm) Grey - 10mm - Bag of 200
Broadfix Standard U Shim (101 x 43mm) Red - 4mm - Bag of 200
Broadfix Standard U Shim (101 x 43mm) White - 1.5mm - Bag of 200
Exact Gap Foam 500ml Handheld
Broadfix Standard U Shim (101 x 43mm) Black - 6mm - Bag of 200
Everbuild 2 Part High Performance Wood Filler - White - 500g
Everbuild 2 Part High Performance Wood Filler - Stainable Light - 500g
Everbuild 2 Part High Performance Wood Filler - Stainable Medium - 500g
Everbuild 2 Part High Performance Wood Filler - Oak - 500g
Everbuild 2 Part High Performance Wood Filler - Mahogany - 500g
Everbuild 2 Part High Performance Wood Filler - Pine - 500g
Everbuild 2 Part High Performance Wood Filler - White - 1.4Kg
Everbuild 2 Part High Performance Wood Filler - Red - 500g
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